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Ready, Set, School!

An innovative series of workshops designed to set the foundations for a solid start to school. These sessions will be led by Patrick Triglau-Phillips, our Paediatric Occupational Therapist who will be supported by Priscilla Chan (AHA) and are designed to assist you in identifying some core strategies that will assist your child in preparing for the challenges of ‘big school’. The three sessions are segmented into the following topics

  • Feelings with Friends; emotional regulation, friendship change, transitions and development
  • Look, Listen and Learn; understanding the skills and expectations of the classroom environment
  • Fine and Gross Motor Play

These sessions are largely child focused, but throughout the event, parents or care givers may be called into the narrative to problem solve or role play with their child, and our therapists will ensure that we touch base with you one on one to chat about any observations or concerns you may have. At the conclusion of the session, strategies will be provided to assist the parent in discussing what supports your child may need in school and some simple but effective strategies to assist your child in making the transition from play based to a structured learning environment.

So if you feel that your child may need an extra boost, or your kindy/ELC/childcare has identified that some tailored supports may benefit your child – reach out for a chat to see what we can do to assist. Your child may benefit from one or all three sessions, so choose what works for you. Our sessions are eligible for health fund rebates with the right extras cover and are NDIS supported.

Feel free to call us on 8130 1290, email on or click on the contact form below to receive more information.